Are You Eating It Right?

Are You Eating It Right?

Hey there, smoothies lover!Ā 

Have you ever wonder are you eating your fruits right? All of the sudden, all these questions keep popping out in our mind: "Should we eat it before our meal or after our meal?" "Does consuming more fruits make us healthier?"Ā 

Do not worry, take some time and read this blog and you will find out the right way to consume fruits!Ā 

Most health experts claim how eating fresh fruits and vegetables are important to lead a healthy diet. They are a source of fundamental nutrients, minerals, fibre and antioxidants that promote a healthy body. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, fruits and vegetables should make up at least half of your plate at meal times. While vegetables areĀ accepted to be consumed at any time, it is said that fruits should be at certain times, considering the excess amount of sugar they contain. So, with all the recognised health benefits of eating fruits, why do people suggest one shouldn't eat fruits at certain time?

So, when should one ideally eat fruits?

1. ļ»æEarly in the morning

According to Dr. Patel, "Fruits ought be eaten in the morning after a glass of water. If you eat fruits on empty stomach, it will play a significant role in detoxifying your system,Ā providing you with a a lot of energy for weight reduction and other life activities. Ideally, fruits ought to be best eaten first thing in the morning, between breakfast and lunch and in the evening as snacks.

Eating a few pieces of fruits at leastĀ 30 minutesĀ before your meal may help control overeating during lunch. Fruits before a meal allow you to put something that is low in calorie into your stomach. Likewise, eating fruit before your mealĀ build your admission of fibre as most fruits contain fibre. In this way, when you eat fibre, you will in general feel fuller for long and itĀ additionally will in general defer yourĀ digestion process. High fibre fruits include apple, pears, bananas and raspberries.

Apple co-founder Steve Jobs was, briefly and broadly,Ā a passionate fruitarianā€”meaning he ate a diet composed primarily of fruit, which he believed would cleanse his body of harmful fluids. Just as famously, the actor Ashton Kutcher tried adopting Jobsā€™s fruit-centric diet, until he ended up in the hospital with an out-of-whack pancreas.

So, is it bad for your health to eat a lot of fruits?

2. Eating more fruits bring no harm to your health

According to experts, for a healthy adult,Ā eating lots and lots of fruit is unlikely to get you into trouble, as long as itā€™s part of a normal diet.Ā 

Also, from an absorption standpoint,Ā Shena Jaramillo, RD, notes that itā€™s important to remember that your body can only take in so much of the goodness of fruit in one sitting. ā€œItā€™s great to get a variety of fruits daily, but once our bodies acquire the essential nutrients they need from it, there really is not a benefit to having more,ā€ she says. (You donā€™t need to triple up on oranges to triple your vitamin C intake, for example, because your body can only take in so much at once.) Instead, focus on making your two cups of fruitĀ as colourful as possible,Ā then move onto your other favourite foods.Ā 

However, forĀ those with diabetes and elevated blood sugar levels should consult a registered dietitian or their physician if they feel unsure about how much fruit is appropriate for their diets, since they have to be more mindful than others about any kind of sugar consumption.


Fruits are definitely the healthiest foods; however, it is good to ensure their intake at the right time and consume according to your health condition!Ā 


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